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54 Of Companies Have Experienced Third Party Breach 40 Struggle With Handling Those Risks Due To Budget Constraints

Third-Party Breaches: A Growing Concern for Businesses

Cybersecurity Risks Posed by Third-Party Vendors

A recent report from CyberRisk Alliances reveals a startling statistic: a whopping 54% of companies have experienced a third-party breach in the past year. This alarming finding highlights the criticality of addressing the cybersecurity risks associated with third-party vendors.

Challenges in Managing Risks

Despite the prevalence of third-party breaches, 40% of organizations struggle with handling these risks effectively. This indicates a significant gap in understanding and addressing the complexities of third-party cybersecurity. The lack of comprehensive risk management strategies leaves organizations exposed to potential vulnerabilities.

Common Sources of Third-Party Breaches

Software publishers have emerged as the most common source of third-party breaches for the third consecutive year. This underscores the need for organizations to carefully evaluate the security practices of their software providers and ensure that necessary cybersecurity measures are in place.

Dependency on Third Parties

Organizations heavily rely on third-party vendors for various functions, including software development, IT support, and vendor management. This dependency creates opportunities for third parties to access sensitive information and systems, which can lead to security compromises.


The prevalence of third-party breaches and the challenges faced by organizations in managing these risks are a wake-up call for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity. Implementing robust third-party risk management programs, conducting thorough due diligence, and fostering strong collaborations with vendors are essential steps towards enhancing cybersecurity posture and protecting organizations from the growing threat of third-party breaches.
